2023 Options
Retreats (BYOHorse)
#1: Sunday, July 23 - Friday July 28 Hill City, SD
#2 Monday, September 25 - Friday, September 29 Medora, ND
Workshops/Mini Series (no horse needed)
Youth Session: June 19 -23
Women's TBD October 2023
A Hero's Journey
This workshop is a journey of self-discovery. And in true Beyond the Horse fashion, we will stand shoulder to shoulder and heart to heart alongside horses as we take an adventure to find our authentic selves. This workshop is for horsewomen and non-horsewomen alike. The only horse requirement is that you come with an open heart that is ready to be guided by the most beautiful beings on the planet: our equine companions.
We all know that life is full of ups and downs. There is joy and there is pain. There is ease and there is downright struggle. Throughout our lives there are lightening strike moments that happen with or without our permission or consent that often leave us with lasting negative impacts. The aftermath of life's negative moments can build resilience AND it can also create defenses within us that negatively impact us. We carry our life's story of events, along with the residual negative side effects, upon our shoulders, hearts and minds. The side effects of the negative parts of life can leave us feeling inferior, alone, misunderstood and inauthentic. We all have road blocks keeping us from showing up as our authentic selves in our lives. A Hero's Journey Retreat is designed to help us move away from the negative and take off some of our armor. We than can move toward joy, ease, grace, abundance, connectedness, wholeness, peacefulness and happiness.
The horses will accompany us as we take a journey in self-discovery and will guide us to awareness, self-appreciation and respect AND SO MUCH MORE! Along the way, we will gather tools for repairing the parts of us that created negative defenses in our past as well as learn applicable strategies for our future to feel better, communicate better, and be more of who we authentically are and long to be. We will experience and learn things along this journey that our past selves were begging for and our future selves will be so grateful to have in their toolbelts.
What would your past or younger self have given to feel unstoppable, loveable, worthy and full of empowered ability? Mine would have given anything. And now I'm so grateful to be able to share these gifts with you!
This workshop is an opportunity for you to dig deep and start your journey towards living your most authentic life! This retreat offers you a ticket to a journey towards becoming your best self. And girl, she wants nothing more than for you to take the time to do your work to heal and grow and shift and show the F up in this one wild and precious life you have.
This workshop is an investment in your future. An investment in your life! It is meant to be a gift to your future self. It's the best chance you can give yourself to actually show up for the life you want to live.

Space is VERY LIMITED. There is only room for 6 women in this unique experience.
I desire to have like-minded women experience this life shifting journey with me. I want you to join me if you are ready to dig deep and learn about yourself. If you need to learn how to do real self care and are looking for a step by step guide to take the guess work out of how to achieve that, this is your workshop. If you are stuck and no longer want to be, this workshop is for you. If you are in a need of a big dose of self-empowerment, this workshop is for you. If you know that it's time to take the time to learn ways to grow and heal and shift and be the best damn version of you there is, this workshop is for you.
Investment in YOU
This workshop offers you an opportunity to make an investment in your future self. This investment impacts your happiness, joy, awareness, self worth and so much more. This investment is truly for you and is only available to you if you choose it. You have an opportunity to give yourself what you need.
$100 donation from each reservation to Lauren's Legacy, see more information below